Professional Manuscript Evaluation | Reader Report

Are you a new writer? Or a published author with a new project? The reader report is for many the most useful first step on your path towards publication –if this is your goal; maybe you simply want to finish —and polish— that manuscript you’ve kept in the drawer for too long, for your own satisfaction’s sake?

As a certified editor, proofreader and reader, I can provide useful, written feedback from a professional, trained eye on all aspects of your manuscript, so you can see what’s already working and where there’s room for improvements. The report includes a full overview, as well as useful suggestions for you to take into consideration, covering the manuscript’s structure, style and tone — and of course grammatical aspects. These are and remain suggestions, the decision on what to apply (and what not) is always your own. The report’s purpose is to improve the original text in a way that doesn’t alter your voice or your feeling of the text being fully yours.

Professional Manuscript Mentoring and Coaching Program

I also provide a more complete professional mentoring and coaching service to writers who either plan to self-publish or wish to find an agent and/or a traditional publisher for their project. The program includes detailed reader reports, mentoring, editing, progress evaluation, self-publishing support and guidance during the entire creative process, always with individual feedback.

We work side by side with your project in the pace and form that suits you best, from the original draft to a final version, ready to be presented to your audience!

Literary Agent | Author Representation

I have always recommended books and writers to family members, friends — and to anyone willing to listen! Now I’m lucky to continue doing the same thing, only in a more professional environment. If I used to be a literary scout — in an amateur, but no less ambitious way — I now represent authors whose work and stories I’m passionate about. Every author’s dream is to hold a printed copy of his/her published work in his/her hands, that’s almost always the goal. However, the publishing industry finds itself in a fascinating, evolutionary moment, a situation that opens more doors and offers more formats; audiobooks, ebooks, podcasts… And let’s not forget about indpendent or hybrid publishing — nor limit ourselves to only one language.

Whether you have already been published or not, we will work together with your future readers in mind, always respecting your wishes on how to proceed. If you have faith in yourself, so have I.


For estimates, fees and references, contact me by email on or send me a message here. I look forward to hearing from you!

A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.

Thomas Mann